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“I thought god would save us” – First anniversary of the Beslan school hostage crisis

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This isn’t a mere post. Just like a single drop of rain, which signals a heavy downpour, this ought to provoke every callous persons emotion towards the anti-terror campaign. [Seems dramatic?]

Beslan Hostage Crisis on Wikipedia

Beslan School Siege, in which Chechen terrorists siege a Russian School named School Number One and subsequently held the school children and their parents, along with the teachers as hostages. The ugly drama continued for three days, till the Russian forces stormed in the school.

186 Kids and 188 Civilians died in the hostage crisis, making the crisis one of the cruelest and ugliest forms of terrorism.

From Wiki :

On “First September” of every year in every school (all are public) in the Russian Federation, citizens celebrate a holiday known as the “Day of Knowledge” at school. The children are commonly accompanied by their parents and other family members and dressed in their finest clothes. After listening to introductions and speeches from the staff and students, the “First Graders” give a flower to the “Last Graders”. The Last Graders then take the First Graders to their first class. In 2004, on the first of September at School Number One in Beslan, this tradition was deliberately used by terrorists as an opportunity to seize the school and take hostages. The end result were hundreds of children and entire families wounded or killed.

I happened to watch the first anniversary of this crisis on BBC
This is an account of the children speaking in front of BBC TV Camera’s.

* “ All my friends are dead, Can I stay with You? “, asked one boy, then after sometime he was killed.

* I wanted to see my mama, before I die

* The terrorists fired up few rounds on their guns, and I was happy because they are wasting bullets

* I was with my mom and she wasn’t feeling well. I had five roubles in my pocket, so I asked one men, “Can you take this money, and let my mama go?”

* One woman terrorist was good and gave us water. The leader saw it, and he pulled a trigger on her stomach, and she blew away

* A boy asked the cameramen to follow and showed a deserted room and said “This is where they killed my dad, and with this window, they threw him out”

* Some children were drinking water from the tap, and I thought of joining them. A moment later, someone threw grenade on them, and they turned into bits and pieces

* Just like a string in the flames, they people were swirling and burning

* When I came out of the school and looked inside, a girl without legs was surrounded by fire, and she waved her hands for help.

* My mama was missing for three months, and was later found by her DNA. She starved for water and loved chocolates. So now I’m giving her Water and Chocolates despite knowing she won’t come back ever.

* Lot of kids use to play in my backyard, but now only few are left.

* We are now grown up kids. We don’t fight anymore

* He was nice to me, and gave me his toys when I didn’t have any. I miss him loads.

* I miss him a lot. To express that in electricity, it would be 9 million volts.

* If I die. I die. I don’t care anymore.

* I don’t believe in God
I believe in Russia

* I draw the pictures of the terrorists and I tear them away. Then I burn down them

* It’s impossible to get them enough revenge

* One of the men, pushed me to the Gym. I didn’t want to go, because mom was still there. And I knew, she died already.

* When I ran out of the school, they fired at me. I ran zigzag

* A kid was near me, and they did something to him. Next moment, his brain was all on my face. It was sponge and white

* My mom said they are shooting for a film. I was wondering that they’d let us go for water in movies.

* Visuals: A small kid pouring Sprite on her friend’s grave

How grateful the sun looked that day?
Years will pass and we will grow up
School will blossom, orchards would grow
And I never let this to happen again

I thought God would save us But he failed He saved few others he could And took rest of them to him Most beautiful died The best died

Mind you they all are kids. The brains and bloods that flowed too are of kids.

“The love they showed us that time, conquered hatred everytime” – Anonymous

Written by nemoeac

September 10, 2005 at 10:06 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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